2025-2026 Current Family Registration
Grades K through 8
Step 1: Review the OptionC re-registration documents found HERE.
Step 2: Log in using your email address (username) and password to your OptionC account HERE and follow the instructions outlined in the documents above.
**This is also where you would register a NEW STUDENT (not currently in IHM Preschool or Day School) IN GRADES K-8 for your family.
Step 3: After you have completed the OptionC steps, please go HERE to complete the IHM School 2025-2026 Registration and Tuition Agreement & Deposit Forms.
*All steps, including payment of technology fee per student, must be complete for registration to be finalized.
If selecting to pay your nonrefundable technology fee online, click HERE to be directed to the WeShare payment portal.
If selecting to pay your nonrefundable technology by check, please make payable to IHM School and send to the School Office – Attn: Mrs. Deardorff.
Please go to the link HERE for all tuition assistance opportunities.
Additional funding has been set aside for tuition assistance. We strongly encourage ALL families to complete an application for available tuition assistance through the FACTS portal.
Applications for IHM’s Tuition Fund & Catholic Education Fund are due FEBRUARY 16th!
Please go to the link HERE for EdChoice information - application window opens February 1st.
The deadline for re-enrollment registration is February 14th. This includes the payment of each student's non-refundable technology fee.
After this time, new families will be considered for available spots in each grade level.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the School Office.